An interview was held on 9th Feb. 2022 for the empanelment of advocates in TIFAC and the following candidates have been selected to be Empanelled as Advocate in TIFAC:
1. Sh. Mayank Sapra
2. Sh. Ved Prakash Gaur
3. Sh. Piyush Singh
4. Sh. Prateek Kohli
5. Sh. Vishal Saxena
Shortlisted Candidates for appearing in the WOS-C Exam to be held on September 18, 2021
The Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC), at TIFAC, Dept. of Science & Technology helps Academic Institutions and Government Institutions in the country to protect the innovative works of scientists & facilitates IP filing on their behalf. PFC is also implementing Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C) of DST which aims to train women scientists in the area of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).
PFC invites applications from Indian Nationals for engagement of one IT Scientist under Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C) on full time contractual and consolidated remuneration basis for a period of one year.
For detailed terms and conditions of engagement click here...
Walk-In Interview Date: 25th August, 2021 at 11.00 AM in TIFAC 4th Floor
Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), a technology think tank under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India has scheduled Walk in Interview on 25 August, 2021 at 11.00 AM onwards at TIFAC for recruiting one Young Professional (YP) to carry out Impact Assessment Study of TIFAC Reports on full time contract and consolidated remuneration of Rs.60,000/- per month.
The study aims to assess the impact of TIFAC Reports (published in last 10 years) on the society, economy& technology growth of the country. TIFAC study reports cover about 20 broad sectors viz., Agriculture practices, Agri-chemicals, Agri-Livestock, Agri Biodiversity, Energy (Solar PV, Biomass, Biofuels etc.), Cyber Security, Electronics, Food Processing, Forestry, Materials & Natural Resources (Bauxite, Castor etc.), Manufacturing, Chemicals, Paper, Transportation, Electric Mobility, Medical & Health Care, Water, Environment, Climate Change & Disaster Management, etc.
Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), an Autonomous Body under Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India invites Indian Nationals for Walk in Interview on 28th July, 2021 for engagement of Consultant (Website design & database management) on full time basis on consolidated remuneration (Professional fee) basis. The Terms and Conditions of the engagement are:
Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council,
AI Block, Technology Bhavan, 5th floor, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110016, India.
+91-11-26511248 |
ed[at]tifac[dot]org[dot]in |
Working Hours: 09:00AM-05:30PM |