Code No: TIFAC:V:08:VIII:ESDRPrice: 1500 Category:Electronics & communications

The world is witnessing an integration of electronics, communication and computer in the form of information technology leading to a revolution in the entire services & manufacturing sectors. Thus we have before us immense opportunities & technological challenges which need to be dealt with a clear vision taking advantages of our strengths.

Salient points of the Vision are:

Manufacture of passive chip components and computer monitors; focused attempts to set up a mega 'fab' in the country by attracting foreign investment; and enhancing the country's VLSI design capabilities are envisaged in the area of components and microelectronics.
High speed networks like SONET, use of lasers in industry; analog compatible digital TV are a few important items in the areas of photonics/optoelectronics and consumer electronics.
Cost effective high speed client server based hardware & software systems; induction of various telecomputing & interactive data services are vital in the areas of Information Technology and Communications.

Promotion of electronic aids for the disabled and computer education at high school levels have been envisioned in addition to applications of micro elctro-mechanical systems for pollution control and health care. Technological strengths in various select areas of electronics is vital for our competitiveness. There are many strategic applications as well.


Electronics has a crucial role in assuring better quality of life for our people be it in health care, environment or education. This area has several linkages with almost every sector. It is time we seize the opportunities as envisioned in the report before us without loss of time.


Price : Rs.1500/-

Category : Technology Vision 2020 Reports